Cancel My Membership Cause Box

Over $250 Worth Of Products In Each Box

Cause Box features all kinds of ethical and sustainable products (skincare, jewelry, kitchenware, etc.) from artisan lesser-known brands. Each season, subscribers receive 6 unique items curated according to their needs and preferences. Annual Membership owners may even select the products they get by themselves.

Membership Fees

Subscription Plans 

  • Quarterly Recurring Plan: $54.95 per box; 
  • Annually Recurring Plan: $199.80 one-off once a year ($49.95 per box). 

Shipping Charges

There are no shipping charges for the boxes shipped within the continental United States. However, subscribers from Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories, as well as Canadian Causebox subscribers, will be charged $7.95 extra per box for delivery. This fee already includes all applicable duties and taxes.

How To Stop The Charges

Causebox subscriptions renew automatically on the1st day of each season (for quarterly membership plans) or each 5th seasonal quarter (for annual membership plans). To avoid future charges, cancel your membership prior to the next renewal date. To find out the next membership renewal date, contact customer support by email at

Membership cancellation doesn’t mean you are eligible for a refund. The boxes remaining under your subscription will still be shipped to you. Membership charges are generally non-refundable. However, Causebox makes the exception for those who subscribed to their service by mistake. Send your refund requests at before your first box is shipped to you.

Online Cancellation Guide

You can cancel your membership at any time through your account on

  • Log in to your Cause Box account;
  • Go to the ‘Subscriptions And Orders’ page;
  • Click ‘Cancel’ next to your membership info. 

If for any reason you can’t complete the cancellation online, you can always send an email to customer support at and ask for assistance in cancellation.